How to Remove DND Gel Polish Colors from Your Nails Safely

Gel polish enhances the overall attraction quotient, especially as it allows you to experiment with the wide range of colors available on show. Daisy DND gel polish are available in myriad shades where you need not repeat a shade in your life. While applying gel polish can be easy, removing it can pose challenges. This blog details the procedure you should follow at home to remove gel polish without damaging your fingernails.

Remove DND Gel Polish at Home

Resist the temptation of picking at your nail polish layer

As you ease into the fourth week of your gel manicure, you can experience the mail polish layer lifting off the nail bed. The temptation to remove the raised layer by picking at it will be great, but you should not fall for the temptation. You could end up injuring your nails. It could take more than a couple of months to recover from such damage. It is better to follow the correct removal procedure for DND gel polish and lacquer.

Protect your cuticles from damage

The ideal solution to use for removing nail polish is acetone. While being effective, acetone can do a lot of damage because it can dehydrate your skin and nails. Your cuticles are delicate and hence, require excellent care. You can protect your cuticles by applying cuticle oil. If you do not have cuticle oil, Vaseline or petroleum jelly can also serve the purpose. Aquaphor is also an excellent remedy.

Loosen the top layer by filing it carefully

The topcoat plays a critical role in sealing the DND gel polish to your nails. They form an impregnable layer that enables the gel manicures to last comfortably for more than three weeks. It can be challenging to remove the topcoat layer. It might require a long soak in acetone to remove the topcoat. As acetone can damage your nails, it is advisable to file off the coarse layer gently and remove as much as possible.

Go for the acetone soak

Once you have scraped the top layer gently, you can proceed with the acetone soak. Some experts advise soaking the nails directly in an acetone solution. It is a good idea if you do not have much polish to remove. However, it is not advisable because you expose your fingertips to acetone. It can dehydrate your skin and damage it.

The ideal procedure is to soak a few cotton balls in acetone solution and place them over each nail. It is better to use aluminum wraps to hold these cotton balls in place.

You should ensure to soak the nails for at least twenty minutes to remove the polish layers.

Remove the cotton balls to check whether the process is complete

After soaking the bails for 20 minutes, you can remove the aluminum wraps to check whether the process is complete. The polish should slide off your nail smoothly. If it does not, you should repeat the soaking procedure for some more time.

If the layers are thin, you can scrape away them away gently. If you take care to soak your nails long enough, the polish should come smoothly.

Buff your nails gently

Use a sterilized nail buff to remove any traces of nail polish sticking to your nails. However, you should ensure to be gentle on your nails, or you could end up damaging them.

Wash your nails with water and moisturize

After removing the nail polish layers, it is advisable to wash the nails with soap and water. Sanitizing the nails is crucial to remove all acetone traces. After wiping the nails dry, it is advisable to moisturize the nails by massaging them with cuticle oil. Cuticle oil replenishes the nails and reduces the ill effects of acetone.

Allow nature to take its course

Removing DND gel polish can take a toll on your nails. Hence, it is not advisable to rush with your next manicure immediately after removing the existing one. Your nails will need a minimum of a week to regain their natural health. In the meanwhile, keep nourishing your nails with cuticle oil or other massaging oils like tea tree oil, lavender oil, etc.

After a week, your nails will be ready for the next round of DND gel polish set.


You can see that the procedure of removing nail polish is not an easy one. However, you can master the technique with practice. The secret to removing your gel manicures is not to rush through the job. Any damage to the nail can take up to three to four months to heal, during which you cannot go for a fresh manicure. Hence, it is better to be cautious and avoid making mistakes that could injure your nails.

Keep visiting this space to know more about gel polish removal techniques without using acetone.